Here’s How To Play The Hidden Chess Game In Facebook Messenger

Here’s How To Play The Hidden Chess Game In Facebook Messenger

We probably never would’ve known there is actually a game hidden within the messenger app we use everyday. Thanks to a post on LifeHacker some days ago, you can play chess with your friends on Facebook messenger. This isn’t another Facebook app, the game is played right inside the messenger app and no extra software is needed.

The great thing about it is that it runs flawlessly on all platforms. Whether you’re using Facebook web version or you’re using the mobile app, the game remains accessible.

How to play the hidden Facebook chess game

Type @fbchess play as a message and and this starts the game.

Thereafter, you can use standard algebraic notations to move the pieces across the board. For instance, typing @fbchess pg4 will move your pawn (P) to squareg4 as shown below:

In case you’re stuck and don’t know how to move around, simply type @fbchess help and the explanation given should get you through.
To end the game, type @fbchess resign.

As said earlier, this works on all platforms. Although no one knows how long it has been there, it was noticed way back in December 2015 in this chess subreddit. Who knows? Perhaps there are more features hidden in Facebook waiting to be discovered.
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