About US

Raphblog.com.ng is a Nigerian Tech Blog that offers latest in tech news, computer, mobile phone, Free Browsing Cheat, tweak and trick, and how-to’s and many more.



Raphblog.com.ng provides support for end users by giving detailed and reliable review on digital technology to keep the consumers informed through evaluation of their alternatives , information search and also project the various brands we have in the limelight.

Browsing/Internet Subscription and Data Plans/Bundle

This section of Raphblog.com.ng offers free browsing tricks or tweaks and also cheap data subscription plans or bundle to their readers.

How To's, Tips and Tricks, Devices:

This section is most useful to geeks and tweakers who like gadget customization. This section will give you tips and tricks on how to tweak your computer systems, mobile phones, other gadgets and many more.


This section is intended to train professionals or learners on Information and Technology (I.T), equip individuals on how to build stuff like website, phone application, system application and more.


This section offers updated news in many fields like Scholarships, Technological news like Hacking and many more.
This is just to mention few.

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