How To Transfer Contacts from Android To iPhone 6 Or iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus is one of the mobile which was release around September has become one of the trending mobiles in the industry and this has cause changes across the mobile users, some are moving from android to iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and also some are changing from iPhone earlier models to the latest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus.

So how is the transferring of contacts and other necessary details and information to the latest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus from the Android device possible?

Yes, it possible and That what am going to discuss and show you how to transfer your information from your Android to your iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. We both know the platform of the two devices are totally different from each other and it actually not possible or no method has be brought us on how to transfer other than the one am about to share…. So keep reading….

Do You Know That: You can Transfer Your Contacts From iPhone To Android?

So what can be transferred using this method?

Hmmmmmn, I can say a lot of important data can be transferred using this method and it works well, so there no need to be scared of loosing important information except the information or category of information are not listed below. So what can be transferred from Android to iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus?

Text Messages
And also Apps which are supported by iPhone 6 (iOS)

So you can see that they listed above are the mean information that should not be lost in a phone exchange but this method got it covered so no need to bother yourself if you are using this software.

So what do we need?

Requirements (How To Transfer contacts From Android To iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus)
Mobile Transfer for Your PC or Mac (Download the trial or Paid Version here)
A Computer
USB Cords
Android Device
iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

Steps On How To Transfer Data From Android To iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

Please kindly follow the steps as I explain in steps for greater chances of having a successful data transfer between the devices, please before you begin.. Make sure you have all the requirement ready so that nothing will slow you down.

So lets begin…….

Step 1

After you have downloaded the Mobile Transfer Software which I gave the download link of the App above for your PC or MAC, do Install it on your computer and after installing I strongly recommend you restart your computer for the software to be stable.

Step 2

After restarting your computer, Connect the Android Device and The iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus to your computer through the data cable or USB cords and Make sure both devices are recognized by your computer and are the drivers are installed properly.

Step 3

Launch the Mobile Transfer Software which you have just installed after doing so, once the software interface opens ups, you will find both device in two different sides (left and Right) (Source andDestination)

The source is where the data will be copied or transferred from and the Destination is where the Data is going to be transferred to.

Step 4

The Mobile Transfer automatically select the Source and Destination so you have to make sure its right, In how case the Android device should be the Source While the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus destination. If the Devices are in the wrong box, just click on the “FLIP” button in between the boxes and the devices will change boxes

Step 6

In the middle of the box, just below the FLIP button, there are some options there which is to indicate which data should be copy and that should not be so all you have to do is tick on the data you want transfer and untick on the data you don’t want to transfer.

Step 7

After selecting what you want to be transferred then you can click on the “Start Copy” and a dialog box will pop out indicating what is transferring and will notify you when it done transferring.

And that it, You have successfully transferred your contacts from your Android To Your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus


Thanks for reading the post and I hope it worked well for you, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus are really trending and if you are thinking of purchasing one Then I reccommend you to bookmark this post so you can call on it when you need it and for others who have tried it out and it worked or you have some problems during the operation please kindly leave a comment below.

How to Successfully Transfer Contacts Android To iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus easily and if it worked for you please use the social media buttons to spread the word.
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