Airtel Shades MTN With “Welcome to Airtel” Ad

Every network provider is known to believe it has the superior network quality when compared to others and this is evident through their ad campaigns. Nigerian network providers do throw jibes at one another and the latest is coming from Airtel in a new video advert tagged Welcome to Airtel. The video recently surfaced on Youtube and I must say it’s cleverly done.

The video shows a man calling with a yellow phone (MTN) and holding a yellow bag. The call doesn’t go through and man thows the phone away out of frustration. At this point, the yellow bag suddenly grows a pair of legs and starts running. The man chases the bag till it runs into an Airtel office where the man was welcome with a red phone (Airtel) and the yellow bag was returned to him, turning to red instantly.

With this video, one might think Airtel is better than MTN in terms of network quality, but is that really the case? Do you think Airtel is in the right position to “diss” another network?

In my opinion, I think they’re all the same. An average Nigerian has “tasted” almost every network and they always leave a sour taste in the mouth. Airtel has issues, MTN does, Etisalat does and Glo isn’t left out. Basically, what I’m saying is that they all suck.
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