Introduction To Programming (Two) 2: Computer Programming For Beginners


Most high level programing language are Object oriented program (OOP). An OOP is use as one of the ways to access or call to action the operations of a class. 

Example in a class JSS1, the objects of the class can be the teacher, students, white board, maker, desk etc. Also in a class student, the object of that class are school uniform, bag, writing materials, mathematical set, calculator etc.

Editors this allows the user to enter the program source code and save it to files. Most programming editors increase programmer productivity by using colors to highlight language features.

Subroutine this is a section of code that is called to the main body of a program by mean of object to implement a task. It may be used in more than one point in the program.


Problem 1: write an algorithm to add two numbers and print the result on the screen. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double num1, num2, sum 
Step 3: Enter num1 and num2 
Step 4: sum = num1 + num2 
Step 5: Print sum 
Step 6: Stop

Assignment 1: Write an algorithm to calculate the factorial for a given number entered from standard keyboard. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: Integer Number, factorial = 1, test = 0 (Declaration) 
Step 3: Enter Number (Prompt the user) 
Step 4: factorial = factorial * (Number - test) 
Step 5: If (Number = 0) Print factorial = 1 
Step 6: If (Number > Test), Do Test = Test + 1 and Goto Step4 
Step 7: Print “the factorial = ” factorial 
Step 8: Stop

Assignment 2: write an algorithm to enter number from the keyboard and determine if the number is prime or not. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: Declaration integer number, A = 2, B = 3 
Step 3: Enter number 
Step 4: If (number = A and number = B)) then Print ‘’ the number is PRIME’’ 
Step 5: if (number%2>0) or (number%3>0) print “the number is PRIME” 
Step 6: If (number%2=0) or (number%3=0) then Print ‘’the number is not PRIME’’ 
Step 7: stop 

Assignment 3: write an algorithm to determine the root of a quadratic equation. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double a, b, c, x1, x2, and d 
Step 3: Enter a, b, c 
Step 4: sqrt (b^2-4*a*c) 
Step 5: if (d>0), x1 = (-b+d)/2*a and x2 = (-b-d)/2*a 
Step 6: if (d=0), x1 = x2 = -b/2*a Step7: if (d<0), x1 = “complex number” 
Step 8: print x1 and x2 
Step 9: stop

Problem 2: write an algorithm to find the largest value of 3 numbers entered from the keyboard. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double A, B, and C 
Step 3: Enter A, B, and C 
Step 4: If (A > B) and (A > C) then Print ‘’ the Max = A’’ 
Step 5: If (B > A) and (B > C) then Print ‘’ the Max = B’’ 
Step 6: If (C > A) and (C > B) then Print ‘’ the Max = C’’ 
Step 7: Stop

Problem 4: write an algorithm to calculate the average of 50 scores 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double score, sum = 0, counter = 1, average 
Step 3: Enter score 
Step 4: While (counter <= 50), sum = sum + score, counter = counter +1. Goto step 3 
Step 5: = average = sum/50.0 
Step 6: Print “Average =” average. 
Step 7: Stop

Problem 5): Design an algorithm to input the radius of a circle and calculate the circumference and area and output the values. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double Radius, Circumference, Area, and PI = 3.142 
Step 3: Enter Radius 
Step 4: Circumference = 2*PI* Radius 
Step 5: Area = PI* Radius* Radius 
Step 6: Print Circumference and Area 
Step 7: Stop

Problem 6: Develop an algorithm that will prompts the user for 3 resistance values and output the result in parallel. 

Step 1: Start 
Step 2: double R1, R2, R3, Rt, and Rs 
Step 3: Enter R1, R2 and R3 
Step 4: Rt = R1*R2*R3 
Step 5: Rs = (R2*R3) + (R1*R3) + (R1*R2) 
Step 6: Rparallel = Rt/Rs 
Step 7: Print Rparallel 
Step 8: Stop


This is a visual representation of sequential steps in solving a particular problem. It involves the connections different shapes using directional arrows to indicate the flow pattern. 

The basic symbols commonly used in flow charting of assembly language programs are not limited to the following: 

Terminal, Process, Input/Output, Decision, Connector and Predefined process.


Processing: Indicates any types of internal operation and computation inside the processor or Memory.

Predefined process: Used to invoke a subroutine or an Interrupt program.

Input/output: Used for any input / output (I/O) operation. Indicates that the computer is to obtain and display data.

Decision: Used to ask a question that can be answered in a binary format (Yes/No, True/False)

Terminal: Indicates the starting or stopping of the program, progress, or interrupt program.

Connection: Allows the flowchart to be drawn without a reserve flow. It serve as a link and continuation.

Flow lines: Shoe direction of flow.


The operations in computer programming follows this pattern of Bracket, Exponential, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction (BEDMAS).

It is not the executable code, but the structure of BEDMAS is peculiar different programing language but fore thee general view I will take the exponential as (**)

Examples are;

Answer = 3 + 5 * 4 = 23
Answer = (3 + 5) * 4 = 23
Answer = 3**2 / 3 * 4 + 6/2 = 15
Answer = 3**2/3 * (4 + 6)/2 = 15.

It produce the same result but the processing is different.

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