See How Smartphone Addiction Made A Kid Cuts Off His Own Finger

Smartphone addiction is one of the troubles of modern technology. We recently published an article warning that addiction to smartphone leads to depression and anxiety. And violent behavior? We never saw that coming, but a Chinese kid did cut off his own finger over smartphone addiction.

Image credit: CNet
A lot of us are addicted to our devices but the addiction level differs. It has become a habit to wake up in the morning and reach out for your phone to check the latest posts on Facebook, read notifications that have accumulated while we were asleep, check the latest mentions and tweets on Twitter and scroll through our RSS reader app.

If it’s becoming a torment to spend 30 minutes without your mobile phone, you may already be addicted.

The kid, after being told by his parents he was playing too much with his mobile phone, decided to protest with a rebellious act by severing his own index finger.

As reported by Chinese website, Sina News, the little boy had an argument with his mom after he woke up in the morning and became engrossed in his device. The father heard about it and this led to another argument. Things took a dramatic turn when he went into to kitchen, grabbed a knife and cut off his own finger.

The boy, referred to as Xiaopeng by Chinese media, was rushed to the hospital where a surgery was performed and the finger re-attached. However, it’s not known at the time of this report whether the surgery worked or not.
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