How To Play Hidden Basketball Game and How to Unlock it in Facebook Messenger’s

Don’t we all just have that secret liking for the hidden games that are buried deep down in either our favorite apps or in the entire operating system itself?

From the jumping dinosaur game in Google Chrome’s offline mode to the android Easter egg of flappy bird which has been there since android lollipop, we all just love hidden games and as Facebook finally decided to update their official messenger with material design , they even added a nifty little game to it too.

So let’s directly jump on and see how we can unlock that hidden basketball game implemented in its messenger by the social networking giant.

Here are the required steps

Turn on your Facebook messenger. (as simple as that :P)
Open any chat and send your friend a basketball emoticon.
Press on that basketball icon in the chat window.
That’s it you’re done, have fun and score well  (Who saw the next NBA star coming  )
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