How To Add Multiple Google Accounts To Your Android mobile Phone

How To Add Multiple Google Accounts To Your Android mobile Phone

Step 1: Goto settings.

Step 2: Go to the Personal group then Select “Accounts &sync”

Step 3: In “Accounts & sync” tab select another Add Account.

Step 4: When you have select the Add Account tab, then a list of options of account you might want to add such as Corporate, Facebook, Google, Email then select Google.

Step 5: A prompt will asked if you want to create or add an existing account, then pick Existing if you have created the Google account already and if you just want to create a new Google account you know you will have to pick the Create Account option.

How to Add multiple Account to Google PlayStore On Android

In Google playstore click on option and then select an Account, add Account, all you have to do is follow from Step 4 to 5 above and complete it. Then you have successfully added another account for Google Playstore.

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