Excitements everywhere as Telegram is reportedly working free on Airtel and 9Mobile networks. Personally, I confirmed it with one of my Airtel SIM cards with no active data plan or airtime, I was able to access both the telegram website and the Android application.
But I was more surprised when some other people revealed that they are also using Telegram for free with 9Mobile network. I mean, this is strange though one part of me is saying maybe this is as a result of freebasic browsing working on some social networks and websites but am yet to completely pinpoint why this is happening.
Well, be it as it may, it calls for celebration. Remember Telegram is a better alternative to WhatsApp. In fact, it has more features than whatsapp. One of the most useful features is ability to accommodate up to 30,000 group members against whatsapp's tiny 256 members limit.
Well, be it as it may, it calls for celebration. Remember Telegram is a better alternative to WhatsApp. In fact, it has more features than whatsapp. One of the most useful features is ability to accommodate up to 30,000 group members against whatsapp's tiny 256 members limit.
Meanwhile, according to some people who testified about the free Telegram with 9Mobile, they said they were able to access messages, chat and do virtually everything on the application but were unable to view images sent to them.
So what about you? What's your experience? Can you access Telegram free of charge with either airtel or 9Mobile Network? Note, it doesn't require any setting or VPN.
So what about you? What's your experience? Can you access Telegram free of charge with either airtel or 9Mobile Network? Note, it doesn't require any setting or VPN.