Good News! iOS 12 Will Continue Supporting iPhone 5S

We all know very well that the tech giant Apple devices have extended support for new versions of operating systems. The iPhone is one of the most perfect examples of this support, with older models keeping constant updates. However, now according to the latest reports, iOS 12 will continue supporting iPhone 5S.

It is well known that the tech giant Apple devices have extended support for new versions of operating systems. The iPhone is one of the most perfect examples of this support, with older models keeping constant updates. However, now according to the latest reports, the iPhone 5s will receive the next version of iOS, of course, the iOS 12.

Normally, the iPhone has guaranteed 5 years of iOS updates, where it receives the news and the improvements that are being released. This happened with previous versions, with the iPhone 4 having access to iOS 7.1.2 and iPhone 5 to support up to iOS 10.3.3.

Of course, many would argue that their equipment would still support more updates, but the tech giant Apple is always careful to balance the availability of new features with the fluidity and usability of the devices.

The novelty now shows that this cycle will be broken and iOS 12 can still be used on the iPhone 5s, thus extending the update period by another year.

What was discovered in WebKit, the Safari engine, reveals that the next version prepared for iOS 12, will have the ability to run on the iPhone 5s.

In practice, this means that this iPhone will have the ability to be upgraded to the next version of iOS.

In addition to obvious references in the WebKit code, there are also those who have managed to run this new version of Safari in an iPhone 5s emulator, without having any problems or errors.

This new version of iOS, as usual, should come as early as June at WWDC. That day will be the first version of tests that Apple will later develop until the end of the summer.

Of course, and it’s too soon to be able to prove much more than this support, the fact that there is a possibility of using iOS 12 on the iPhone 5s does not mean that it runs smoothly and with all the features.

However, the idea is that the tech giant Apple is further extending the support for their equipment and ensuring that they receive the latest news, regardless of their age.

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