An Android Alternative? Huawei Is Developing Its Own OS

We all know very well that during the last week, the Chinese smartphone manufacturers have been the protagonists of the news in smart telephony. But, now according to the latest reports, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Huawei is developing its own OS.

During the last week, the Chinese smartphone manufacturers have been the protagonists of the news in smart telephony. ZTE is facing no exports from the United States, which means not having access to the Android operating system or the components of manufacturers such as Qualcomm.

The second is not the biggest problem, because they can count on MediaTek – among others – but would they survive without Android? It is a question that arises also for Huawei, while the Department of Justice of the United States investigates the Chinese brand.

Only a few days ago it became known that the US Department of Justice was investigating Huawei for a possible violation of sanctions against Iran. The Government of the United States is jealous of the Chinese industry and has strongly pressed several brands in this and other sectors.

In some aspects, it is not very relevant, because in China they can use their own ‘raw material’ and they control the manufacturing and assembly of a large part of the mobile market. Now, Android comes from the United States and that could be a problem. It has been said that Huawei could be developing an alternative to Android.

Huawei preparing an alternative operating system to Android OS

Between iOS and Android meets 99.9% of the current mobile phone market. Android is the option for any smartphone manufacturer other than Apple and is currently the choice of Huawei and its main competitors, such as Samsung, Oppo and Xiaomi.

If it were left without the option to use the Android operating system, which is still a remote option, could be an operating system of its own. Something Samsung already tested, for example, with the operating system Tizen OS that was finally for TVs and wearables, among others.

The key in this matter, and wanting to believe that Huawei really can run out of Android, is that this alternative operating system is not new. This source of information ensures that the Chinese brand would have been working on it since 2012, when the United States Government accused Huawei and ZTE of espionage for the first time.

The founder of the brand then commented that his own operating system was being developed for strategic reasons, because, ‘would not we be condemned, if they suddenly took away our food?’

As Apple has done in recent years, Huawei has been reducing the dependencies of other manufacturers, brands and companies. In terms of hardware, for example, they have their own processors and are among the best in the market. The brand, during this week, has already clarified that Huawei has the ability to create its own operating system, but that it will not be necessary.

Recently, the Chinese brand Huawei said that ‘they work very close to Google and will continue to use their operating system.’ In addition, to the most recent controversy, they have responded directly by ensuring that ‘there are no plans to launch an own operating system in the foreseeable future’.

The United States is strong in the technology sector. More specifically, in the component segment. However, the smartphone market does not correspond to the United States, much less. It is clearly dominated by South Korea, if you look at Samsung who is leading the market, and also China thanks to Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi. Yes, Apple has an important part of this market, but it is not comparable with the rest of the manufacturers, that none of them – in the ‘top 10’ – is also from the United States.

But if we go further into the detail of the industry, they have important manufacturers such as Qualcomm, but with strong dependencies with China for assembly and production. And they have Google, with its Android operating system, which is also from the United States and undoubtedly dominates the mobile phone market.

However, China has the production and assembly industry completely dominated, even with Apple as one of its main ‘clients’. So, although it seems that the United States can put China on the ropes, in reality, China could complicate the market to the United States without too much difficulty.

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