Google Removes This 24 apps from the Play store infected with Joker malware

The CSIS Security group who spotted the Joker Malware made a blog post explaining the whole scenario behind the notorious activities of Joker Malware. As of writing, the infected apps have been booted from the Google Play store.

What is Joker Malware?

The malware works in a wicked way by forcefully signing up the user for paid subscriptions without the consent of the user. The joker virus also sneaked into the victim’s message box to steal the One-time passwords to verify the subscription.

Which means, with the access to their SMS inbox, the hacker could be stealing money without the users knowing anything about it, unless they check their account statement.

Are you a victim too?

Google play store has recently removed the infected applications. The applications had a hundred thousands of downloads before Google booted them out of the store. A list of infected applications has been released, and if you have any of the listed application installed, you are a victim.
  1. Advocate Wallpaper
  2. Age Face
  3. Altar Message
  4. Antivirus Security- Security Scan
  5. Beach Camera
  6. Board Picture Editing
  7. Certain Wallpaper
  8. Climate SMS
  9. Collate Face Scanner
  10. Cute Camera
  11. Dazzle Wallpaper
  12. Declare Wallpaper
  13. Display Camera
  14. Great VPN
  15. Humor Camera
  16. Ignite Clean
  17. Leaf Face Scanner
  18. Mini Camera
  19. Print Plant Scan
  20. Rapid Face Scanner
  21. Reward Clean
  22. Ruddy SMS
  23. Sony Camera
  24. Spark Wallpaper
Even the app name gives us a strong hint that they might contain adware or some kind virus. If you have any of the apps installed, to make sure you uninstall it and change the credentials of your accounts logged in to your device.
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