How To Request Data From Via MTN Dash Me Data Service

Recently MTN Nigeria re-introduced data gifting to their data services, where customers can share their data with their friend or even buy data for them. In this post, i will be showing you how to request for data from a friend or loved one using MTN Dash Me Data Service.

MTN Dash Me Data which was recently introduced service by the telecom giant in Nigeria  MTN. This service allows customers to request for data from a friend, family or loved one.

It is more like receiver pays for call service, but this is for data requesting.

How To Request Data From A Friend On MTN
  1. To request for data from a friend, simply dial *131*7*3# and enter the friend's MTN number you want to request data from.
  2. To view your pending request, dial *131*7*4#.
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