Leaked Images Show Internals Of Unreleased Nokia Smartwatch

Leaked Images Show Internals Of Unreleased Nokia Smartwatch

Some images surfaced on the internet today showing real photos and internals of a cancelled Nokia smartwatch that never saw the light of the day. Codenamed the Microsoft Moonraker, this device was cancelled after Microsoft took over Nokia’s devices and services division. It appears to run Metro UI.

The watch took a lot of design element from Windows Metro UI and the interface looks beautiful. Working prototypes were shown last year at CES but unfortunately, the device never made it to launch. Microsoft decided to drop it in favor of its Microsoft Band family of wearables.

According to The Verge last year:

Sources familiar with Nokia’s plans tell The Verge that the Finnish company was developing a “Moonraker” smartwatch that leveraged many of the aesthetics of the modern Windows Phone design. Working prototype devices were shown to potential customers at Mobile World Congress last year, and the smartwatch came close to launching. Nokia was planning to reveal its smartwatch alongside the Lumia 930, and Microsoft canceled it around the time the company acquired Nokia’s phone business.

Moonraker is no more but we got a closer look at the device thanks to Weibo. It was published by @stagueve on Twitter today and we got to see the internals of what could’ve been Nokia smartwatch.

Now the question is, will this smartwatch eventually get into the market when Nokia’s deal with Microsoft expires?
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