How to Block Facebook Photo Tags

How to Block Facebook Photo Tags

Day in, day out, I keep getting tagged in all sorts of pictures on Facebook. There’s nothing wrong with your friends tagging you in their pictures and I have absolutely nothing against it but what I hate is getting tagged in weird photos. Some pictures are so gross I hate to see them appear on my timeline. Some are just obscene, some awkwardly funny and others are simply gross. I’ve also noticed that I do get tagged in spammy pictures and posts and I had to make this stop. It’s improper advertising your website through a tag on my timeline. There’s a way to block those tags from appearing on your timeline but I never knew about it till I checked my privacy settings.

How do I Block my Friends from Tagging Me?

In actual fact, there’s no way to completely stop your friends from tagging your in their status updates and photos but there’s something you can do to control what appears on your timeline and news feed. Facebook gives you the option to approve the tags before appearing on your profile and it’s just a little privacy settings you have to change.

– Go to your privacy settings from the top-right

– Click on Edit Settings right beside Timeline and Tagging

– A new page pops up. Click on Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline

– A new page pops up again. Select Enable from the drop-down as shown below:

Once this is done, save your settings and that’s all. Each time you get a photo tag, you’ll be asked to review it. You can then choose to approve or reject the photo tag.

As seen in the photo tag above, I’ve got 14 tags waiting for my approval before appearing on my profile. Well. I’ve got control over what appears and no one’s gonna spam on my timeline using Facebook tags.
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