These iOS Exclusive Games & Apps Are Really Worth Having

These iOS Exclusive Games & Apps Are Really Worth Having

Every once in a while, applications are released by developers exclusive to particular platforms. Although most of the apps and games available on iOS can also be found in the Play Store, there are still a few exclusive to each of these platforms. This post lists some applications and games exclusive to iOS.

Infinity Blade III

This game is actually the concluding of a trilogy I started following right from the start on my old iPhone 3GS in 2012. The concluding part has some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen on mobile game and the game play is totally immersive.

Paper – Stories From Facebook

Perhaps Facebook was right when it made its Paper app exclusive to the US. More people would’ve dumped the regular Facebook app for this. Paper is an app that shows Facebook in a magazine style similar to what you have on Flipboard. It you care more about top stories from your favorite topic, the app got you covered.

One thing you will also appreciate is the messaging feature. You won’t need Facebook Messenger app with Paper installed.

Adobe Photoshop Sketch

If you have a flair for digital art and creativity, you’re definitely going to love this app. With the iPad Pro, it becomes even better as the Apple Pencil lets you unleash your creativity on your iPad screen. The app is connected to Behance and the gallery can be an inspiration.

Her Story

I sometimes wonder exactly why this game isn’t so popular. It’s one of the best detective games I’ve ever played on mobile. In this game, you’re a detective right in front of a computer with access to police database. Checking footages and interview videos helps you in putting together the clue needed to solve the crime in bits and pieces.

Final Fantasy VII

For some strange reasons, Square Enix chose to skip this version for Android, disappointing a lot of Final Fantasy fans waiting for its Play Store release. Unless you’ve always been a fan of this epic RPG, you probably won’t know what you’re missing.

Well, Final Fantasy isn’t an iOS-exclusive game per se, it’s available on some consoles. However, it’s noticeably missing on Android.

Note: To install some of these apps, a US Apple ID is required as apps like Paper is restricted to the US. We have an old tutorial on how to open a US Apple ID without a valid credit card search our site.
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