Sue Telcos 5 Million Naira For Unsolicited Messages (SMS)

Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) has moved a step further to warn telecommunication companies in Nigeria about how unsolicited messages (SMS) and money deduction from customers phone could make them pay compliant 5 Million Naira.

Despite the fact that Do Not Stop Mode (DND) is active in some network, you will still be receiving unsolicited messages from your network providers and you will stop receiving bulk SMS from others, which are sometimes important.

NCC in a step to stop this act by network operators in Nigeria has decided to make them pay 5 Million Naira to each complaints.

According to NCC said:
If a consumer lodges complaint to NCC that a MNO send unsolicited text messages and the complaint from the consumer get to us, we will ensure that credit deducted from the consumers for this unsolicited text messages is returned to the consumer and will also invoke provision of the fine on the MNO which is N5 million.
So if your money is being deducted for what you did not subscribe for or you still receive unsolicited SMS despite implementing the DND, then you can call NCC toll free number as seen below;
toll-free number 0800-CALL-NCC (0800-2255-622).

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