How To Create Hard Disk Drive Partitions Without Formatting or Lost of Files

Must people only know how to partition their hard drive only when they are installing windows. In this tutorial, i will be showing you a new but old way on how you can partition your hard-disk drive without formatting it and i guaranty you no data or files lost if done properly.

According to Wikipedia:

Disk partitioning or disk slicing is the creation of one or more regions on a hard disk or other secondary storage, so that an operating system can manage information in each region separately

Having know what Disk Partitioning is, in this post, we will not be using any external software or application to create new hard disk partition, we will be using an application that comes pre-installed in windows operating system (OS) called Disk Management.

How To Create Hard-Disk Partitions Without Formatting or Lost of Files 

  • Click Start and type “disk mgmt.msg” (without quotes) and press enter. Now a disk management window will appear.
  • Here you can see all your drives which are being currently available. Choose oneof the drives which you want to shrink or extend. For shrinking, a drive and creating a new one there must be some free space on that drive. Now right-click on the drive letter which you want to shrink Or take out free space. Now select shrink volume, & a little process will go on.
  • Here you will see the current size of the drive, free space and size which you want to shrink. Now enter the amount of space which you want to free, note that size should not exceed the free space. Now click shrink button.
  • In disk management window you will see an unallocated space at the right bottom corner. Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
  • Now you will be taken to “New Simple Volume Wizard” here you need to create a partition. Simply click “Next” to continue.
  • Now on the very next page, you need to specify the volume size. You need to add the volume size here. Simply enter the volume and click on next.
  • Now you need to assign the drive letter. You need to drop down and select a letter of your choice.
  • Now you will be taken to “Format Partition” page. Simply select the File system to“NTFS” and then Enter the name for your new drive and hit the “Next” button.
  • Now it will format and you will see the summary window of your newly created drive. Simply click on “Finish” and you are done.

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